
1 day
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no limit

Fisher Price Feeding Booster - Stroller Reservation Required

The Healthy Care Booster Seat has a feeding tray you can sanitize right in the dishwasher and smooth easy-wipe surfaces. So it’s really easy to keep clean, which means fewer germs for babies. And because it folds compactly, it’s also easy to take with you wherever you go!

*Stroller reservation required - Add-on cost only.*

1 day
Group Size
no limit

Fisher Price Sit Me Up Floor Seat - Stroller Reservation Required

Think comfort. Think fun. Think adorable froggy friend. All in one great seat! The supportive, upright baby seat with soft fabric (cute chevron pattern!) and a wide, sturdy base lets babies see and interact with the world around them. Perfect for playtime, two linkable toys invite the baby to sit up and explore, encouraging reaching, grasping, and development of motor skills.

1 day
Group Size
no limit

Portaplay™ Convertible Activity Center - Stroller Reservation Required

Entertains baby with bounces and delightful learning toys. PortaPlay™ also folds flat for maximum portability and minimum storage space.
Activity Center – 5 to 12 months

*Stroller reservation required - Add-on cost only.*

1 day
Group Size
no limit

4 MOMS Infant tub - Stroller Reservation Required

The 4MOMS clean water infant tub is designed to allow clean water to flow in, while dirty water flows out. With the built-in color-coded temperature gauge it's easy to get your baby's bath water to a safe and comfortable temperature.

*Stroller reservation required - Add-on cost only.*

1 day
Group Size
no limit

Fisher - Price SpaceSaver High Chair

Fisher-Price® SpaceSaver High Chair straps securely to just about any kitchen or dining chair to give you and your baby all the features, comfort, and convenience of a full-size high chair…in only half the space! Two height adjustments. Three recline positions. Easy one-hand tray removal. Machine-washable seat pad and 5-point restraint—and so much more! Now the Fisher-Price® SpaceSaver High Chair’s dishwasher-safe tray with built-in cup holder has a Fastfinder™ Link, so you can hang bibs, towels, and toys within easy reach. The compact size makes it perfect for use in small spaces, or on the go!

*Stroller reservation required - Add-on cost only.*

Group Size
no limit
1 day
Group Size
no limit

Graco Pack n Play - Stroller Reservation Required

You want your little one to be comfortable no matter where you go and we want to make that easier for you. With our Pack 'n Play Play Yard, you have a perfect spot for a baby to catch a nap, as well as automatic folding feet and wheels which make it perfect for travel. The signature Graco push-button fold allows you to break it down quickly and hassle-free. At home or away, the baby will be kept comfy and cozy. Graco is committed to designing and manufacturing top-quality products that are inspired by the needs of both parents and babies.

*Stroller reservation required - Add-on cost only*

Group Size
no limit